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pi967 section ii

[B2B 해외특송] 리튬 이온 배터리와 전자기기(장착해서 동봉

발송할 포장물 (Package) 당 배터리 수량이 2개 이하이며 포장물이 2개 이하일 경우 - PI967 Section II ˙ 포장 규정 - 장비에 포함된 배터리가 장비에 의해 동등한 수준의 보호가 이루어지지 않는다면 포장재의 용량 및 그 사용목적에 맞는 적절한 강도 및 형태의 재질로 구성된 단단한 외부 포장재에 포장되어야 합니다. - 수량 제한 : 하루 발송건당 최대 포장물

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Interactive Guide to Shipping Lithium Batteries

Compliant PI967, Section II Package "Lithium ion batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI967"on AWB. A telephone number is no longer required on the lithium battery mark. Lithium battery marks with a phone number may continue to be applied until December 31, 2026. NOTE: the requirement to apply lithium battery mark does not apply to:

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Lithium Ion Batteries Regulations

4 · (For PI966 & PI967 Section I is a DHL requirement) IMPORTANT: RECALLED OR DEFECTED LITHIUM BATTERIES ARE FORBIDDEN FOR AIR TRANSPORT. V 5.7 - Effective from: 1 st January 2022

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PI967/PI970 section II –Lithium Ion/Metal Batteries contained in

PI967/PI970 section II – Lithium Ion/Metal Batteries contained in Equipment (no more than 4 cells or 2 batteries) = Lithium label exempted. Electronic equipment with lithium batteries (under PI967/970 section II less than 4cells/2 batteries) fully integrated into the equipment. Non-removable by user.

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리튬 배터리 항공 운송 규정 4 (UN3481 Lithium ion batteries

따라서 PI967 section II의 경우 package당 포장 후 무게(Gross Weight)는 5kg를 넘을 수 도 있다는 것을 기억 해주시기 바랍니다. 다음은 Section I 에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다.

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Interactive Guide to Shipping Lithium Batteries

Compliant PI966, Section II Package "Lithium ion batteries, in compliance with Section II of PI966"on AWB. NOTE: On the first of the year (2023) ICAO will not permit 965 section II lithium ion batteries. DHL, FedEx and UPS are not accepting these now.

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리튬 배터리 항공 운송 규정 3 (UN3481 Lithium ion batteries packed

먼저 Section I와 II를 나누는 기준은 리튬 이온 배터리의 경우와 마찬 가지로 시간당 전력 소비량 입니다. 셀일 경우 20wh 이하, 배터리일 경우 100Wh 이하일 경우 SectionII에 해당 될 수 있습니다. 먼저 packing instruction 966 section II의 주요 조건을 알아보겠습니다. 제일 PI966 section II의 제일 첫번째 조건은. Lithium ion cell 일 경우 전력 소비량이 20wh 이하, Lithium

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Transport of Lithium Batteries in Accordance with

Section I of Packing Instructions 965-970 (i.e. bearing a Class 9 label) or when a package contains no more than 4 cells or 2 batteries installed in equipment prepared in accordance with Section II of Packing Instructions 967 and 970. This applies to

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UN3481 Lithium Ion Batteries contained in Equipment (Packing Instruction 967 Section II)

"Lithium Ion Batteries in compliance with Section II of PI967" Remarks: 1. Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries for transport must receive adequate instruction on these requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. 2. Please go to the following website for more details (available in English version only): -

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Transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for complying with provisions applicable to the transport by air of lithium batteries as set out in the DGR. Specifically, the document provides information on: Definitions; Classification (including classification flowcharts); Prohibitions; Restrictions; Frequently Asked Questions.

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